Friday, February 20, 2015

Marvel Super Hero

Marvel Super Hero.

Last week in Room 19, we made superhero's using

My Hero:

Ill show you how to make one! 

Step 1: Open up Google. and go to this link

It will take you here: 

Step 2: Click begin.

Final step: Choose a base and have fun designing your very own superhero!

How to save a superhero:

Step 1: Finish your superhero

Step 2: Click the save button

Step 4: Then Click download. (No Image)

Step 5: Wait for it to download (No Image)

And now you have your superhero on your computer!


Q: I got ad pop ups, What do I do?
A: There is a little camera next to your URL. Once you have clicked download and your superhero has processed, click the camera (next to your URL) and click selected area. Hold you mouse over your superhero like your highlighting something. Then, click capture and you will be brought to an page where you can download it from there.

Q: Is it the same with HP Minis, Big HP's and Chromebooks?
A: Yes, except for iPads.

Hope this helped you!

Highlight Of My Holiday

Adam Neilson - Summer Holiday Highlight.

Top 3 Things I Did.

1. I was able to talk with my friends that were going away this year.

2. Christmas came and went. I was so excited to open my presents a PS3, Minecraft related things and much more.

3. When my other brother (Daniel) came over for a couple weeks, we went to the beach to catch fish. It was fun to lye down on the sand.

And that's 3 things that I enjoyed doing in the holidays!

Image result for ChristmasImage result for SkypeImage result for Beach

Nui Swimming Sports

Nui Swimming Sports

Today was the day, The whole Nui was going to be doing our swimming sports.  I was really excited. When we got to the pool, We were told to get in our teams. I was Hoiho 3. (H-3) Our events were really fun. My favourite was the baton. In that event you had to first put the baton at your neck. Then when you get to the middle, you must start tossing it up in the air and catching it. When I was out of the pool it was totally freezing. Brr.  But… I pulled through. We had a awesome free swim at the end.

Word Cloud

My Word Cloud

Our task:
To make a word cloud with 5 or more things about us. We did this in our digital time while were not swimming.

And that's what I did.

Computer Ninja

By Adam Neilson