Monday, September 19, 2016

Paora Winitana School Visit News Report

Parkvale Breaking News!

IMG_2357.JPGAt the beginning of Term 3, we got to see Paora Winitana come into school and talk to us about the Olympic Values, his goals and his career as a basketball player in general.

But what goes on behind the scenes of Paora Winitana and his life? We all know what he does - he's a professional basketball player but what does he do? He did explain it to us when we were listening to him. Here is the real story.

During his life, Paora has set goals, and with these goals, he has become a better player. He talked about it lots during his visit and he even got some students and some teachers to come up and reenact the his entire career as a basketball player and the challenges he has gone through.

The entire school loved his visit to school and we hope to see more from the man of action sometime this year.


What was something you found tricky and why did you find it tricky?

When I had to restart. I had to revise my plan and rewrite the day.

What are you most proud of?

The progress I got up to. I had a paper copy which I was going to write it on, but I also had a draft on my laptop (which I wrote all the work on).

What is 1 thing you need to improve upon?

Putting in less detail into my paragraphs.

My PBL Mascot.

What is the history of the Olympic Mascots?

The first official mascot in the Olympics was a dog named Waldi, He was a dog with many vibrant colors and features that resemble a dog like it's face and it's tail. There was one before that, but not much is known about it, it was for the Winter Olympics and it appears to be on a ski with numbers on the side and with the Olympic logo on it's head as well.

Where do the Ideas for the mascots come from?

In more recent years, there has been a voting system for different mascot ideas to be official mascots for that Olympic year. In 2016, the design and the names for the mascots were picked and put into a public vote, the design and name with the most votes becomes the official mascot for the Olympics that year.

What is the mascot and what is our project?

My mascot is based off the native bird of New Zealand known as the kiwi. It's design is based off the current status of kiwis and the culture that the kiwi brings.

Sep 8, 2016 10:42:16 AM.jpgThe kiwi has certain features within it, like a black beak, a koru on his stomach and the legless design of the kiwi. The koru on the kiwi is to represent the culture of New Zealand and to it's also to represent the plant and art that is the koru.

The reason of the legless kiwi is because it's to honor the dead kiwis that have died from man-made reasons, because we have taken over the home that is the kiwi, and that is also the same reason for the black eyes and beak as well.

How to create a kiwi mascot.

Resources Required:

  • Thick brown fabric like fur. (But brown fabric will work too.)
  • Black felt or fabric.
  • Green felt or fabric.
  • At least 3 huge handfuls of stuffing.
  • Basic sewing equipment.

Step 1: Make the pattern.

  1. Cut out a large circle which is bigger than 20cm x 20cm. Repeat this step as you need to sew both sides.

  1. Cut out a circle bigger than 10cm x 10cm for the head. Also, repeat this step as well to sew both sides.

Step 2: Start sewing.

  1. Cut out your head and body, it's time to sew them together. Sew from the bottom and work your way up until you reach ¾’s of the way upwards. Remember to sew both sides before you stuff it.

  1. Get ⅓ of your stuffing and put it all into the kiwi to fill it up or to make it soft.

  1. Sew the rest up until all of the kiwi body has been sewed up.

  1. Repeat all these steps for the head.

Step 3: Sew the head on.

  1. Put the head on the side the koru will be on and sew it on top. When you're satisfied, cut it off and tie a knot.

Step 4: Sew the koru on.

  1. Sew the koru on the same side as the head and use any technique to sew it. You don’t need to stuff it but you can if you want too. Sew it, cut off and tie the knot.

Step 5: Sew the eyes and beak on.

  1. Get your black fabric and cut out 2 small circles and 2 sharp triangles like pyramids, but don’t make them as big as pyramids.

  1. Sew the beak onto the face side and sew it on with any technique. Do the same with the eyes, but put the eyes on both sides.

Now your kiwi has been fully recreated and ready to play with!


I thought the kiwi was going to be a hard task, but in the end, It came out alright, and everyone really seemed to like it! Because of it's softness and it's very cool look. The challenge was clear to me, I needed to try a different technique of making something, and to my surprise, It worked!

When I started, it wasn’t easy, but when I became absorbed into my work, I could do much more on the spot, and it was fun!

I loved every second of determination that I put into the project and I hope I can make more projects like this with Growth Mindset that I had in place when I made this project.

My 2016 Calender Art


My art piece shows my family behind a huge mountain like rainbow. The huge koru in the middle represents me as I am the creator of the art piece. The korus around me are supposed to represent my family, their colour is related to something they really like or just a thing I thought about them.

The rainbow background is to represent my vibrant and colorful personality within me.

(Turn your head around to see the best effects.)