Friday, May 29, 2015

Reading Work | Spurs Week 5

Name: ________________________________________________ Date:______________________ KWL Chart

In the first column, write what you already know about the fungi. In the second column, write what you want to know about fungi. After you have completed your research, write what you learned in the third column. What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned

What I Know
What I Want to Know
What I Learned
  1. Mushrooms Are Fungi.
  2. You can find fungi on bushwalks  -camp
  3. Lots of different types
  1. How is this the fungi able to stick out?
  2. Why do the bracelet grow like that?
  3. Why is it called bracelet fungi?
  4. Does it grow on one type of tree?
  5. Why does the fungi smell like mushrooms
  6. How strong are the bracelet fungi?
  7. Why are mushrooms and toadstools soft?
  1. I learnt that bracelet fungi can go on logs and in many areas.
  2. I learnt that fungi smells like mushrooms.

Day 2 - Vocab
Find the meanings for the following words.


Bracket fungi is one type of fungi that comes from rotten or old trees. They only stick out and they are only seen or grown in spring, summer and autumn

Photosynthesis keeps all our plants alive.

Recyclers are people that respect the environment and put things in the rubbish.

Spores are little dots on things such as plants and many other things. They are many types of colours too.

Absorbing is when something is sucked into the area where the absorbing takes place

Rubbery is a type of surface which anything could fell.

Day 3 - Questions
Research and answer these questions.

  1. How do new bracket fungi grow? They directly grow from the source (AKA wood)

     2.  How useful are bracket fungi?

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